Saracen Landing Splash Park
200 Lake Saracen Dr., Pine Bluff, AR
For children ages 12 and younger. Open Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day, 9 AM-6 PM. Free and open to the public. For more information, call 870.536.0920.

Saracen Landing All-Inclusive Playground
200 Lake Saracen Dr., Pine Bluff, AR
This playground is a safe place where children of all abilities can play together. For more information, call 870.536.0920.

Lake Saracen Walking Trail
200 Lake Saracen Dr., Pine Bluff, AR
Hike, walk, or run year-round on this 4.4-mile trail. Leashed dogs are welcome. For more information, call 870.536.0920.

Crossroad Festival
Late Winter | Arts & Science Center for Southeast Arkansas | 701 S. Main St., Pine Bluff, AR
Explores the region’s cultural heritage through the interpretive lens of film, music, dance, and living history. For more information, call 870.536.3375 or visit www.ASC701.org.

First Saturday in April
Arkansas Railroad Museum
See the largest exhibition of railroad-related items in Arkansas. For more information, call 870.535.8819 or visit www.ArkansasRailroadMuseum.org.

Operation Skyhook
Memorial Day Weekend
Grider Field Municipal Airport
709 Hangar Rd., Pine Bluff, AR
The Black Pilots of America descend upon Pine Bluff for fun, aviation camaraderie, flying competition, and free airplane rides for the kids. For more information visit www.BPAPilots.org.

4th of July Celebration
July 4
Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Regional Park
1100 Regional Park Dr., Pine Bluff, AR
Southeast Arkansas’ largest display of fireworks. For more information, call 870.209.0186.

Southeast Arkansas District Fair & Rodeo
Last week in September/First week in October
Hestand Stadium | 420 N. Blake St., Pine Bluff, AR
Features a professional rodeo, livestock shows, a parade, carnival games and rides. For more information, call 870.535.2900.

Boo on the Bayou
Last Fri. and Sat. in Oct. | 6 PM – 9 PM
Governor Mike Huckabee Delta Rivers Nature Center
Pine Bluff Regional Park
1400 Black Dog Rd., Pine Bluff, AR
Enjoy two nights of fun at the area’s largest free Halloween event. Free parking. For more information, call 870.534.0011 or visit www.DeltaRivers.com.

Enchanted Land of Lights & Legends
Mid-November through December 31
Pine Bluff/Jefferson County Regional Park
1100 Regional Park Dr., Pine Bluff, AR
Get in the holiday spirit with an awe-inspiring trip through Arkansas’ largest drive-thru holiday exhibition. Admission is free. For more information, call 870.209.0186.

Come Back Again, Y'all!
Don’t be surprised if it takes more than one trip to experience everything the Delta Family Heritage Trail has to offer. There’s always something going on in Pine Bluff—with fun family activities available in the winter, spring, summer, and fall. Make return trips to fun events a new family tradition!
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